Efecto del H2 en propiedades mecánicas y fractomecánicas del acero grado API 5L X65 para ductos
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Fil.: Fernández, Santiago Ernesto. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Instituto de Tecnología "Jorge Sabato"; Argentina.
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69 p.
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia de Área Académica. Gerencia Instituto de Tecnología "Jorge Sabato"
Universidad Nacional San Martin. Instituto de Tecnología "Jorge Sabato"
Universidad Nacional San Martin. Instituto de Tecnología "Jorge Sabato"
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Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Tecnología "Jorge Sabato"
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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue investigar la fragilización por hidrógeno gaseoso del acero API 5L X65 utilizando diferentes técnicas experimentales. Todas las probetas se obtuvieron de un mismo tubo sin costura. Se estudió el material bajo diversos estados metalúrgicos: como recibido de planta, deformado plásticamente en frío y templado en agua (sin revenido). Se realizó una caracterización básica del material en los diversos estados metalúrgicos que incluye: análisis químico, ensayo metalográfico, ensayo de dureza, ensayo de Charpy-V y ensayo de tracción.
Para estudiar el efecto de fragilización por hidrógeno, el material fue analizado mediante ensayos de crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) a carga máxima en aire y post exposición a hidrógeno gaseoso en una autoclave. Para realizar este ensayo se puso a punto un procedimiento partiendo de la norma BS 7448. El parámetro calculado en el ensayo fue el CTOD a carga máxima (CTODm), medida de la fractotenacidad del material. Algunas probetas de ensayo CTOD fueron recubiertas con Pd adicionalmente, para favorecer el ingreso de hidrógeno durante exposición en autoclave. Se realizaron ensayos antes y luego de exposición en una autoclave a 170 bar de hidrógeno por 30 días, tiempo que se estima suficiente para alcanzar una concentración de hidrógeno disuelto en el material en equilibrio con la presión externa de hidrógeno.
A partir del ensayo de CTOD a carga máxima se evidenció el efecto de las diferentes condiciones metalúrgicas: el material base posee aproximadamente el doble de fractotenacidad respecto de las condiciones deformada y templada. Cuando se compararon los resultados de ensayos sin exposición y con exposición previa, la distinción no fue clara. La comparación del material ensayado sin exposición con el material expuesto previamente no hubo una distinción muy clara. En el caso del material deformado en frío con exposición y paladeado se puede ver una pequeña diferencia (menor fractotenacidad) en los resultados que podrían del que no poseía recubrimiento. Se discutió la validez del resultado.
The objective of this study was to investigate hydrogen embrittlement of API 5L X65 steel using different experimental techniques. All specimens were obtained from the same seamless tube. The material was studied in various metallurgical conditions: as received from the plant, cold strained, and water-quenched (without tempering). Basic characterization of the material in the different metallurgical conditions was performed, including chemical analysis, metallographic examination, hardness testing, Charpy-V impact testing, and tensile testing. To study the hydrogen embrittlement effect, the material was analyzed using crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) tests at maximum load in air and after exposure to hydrogen gas in an autoclave. A procedure was developed based on the BS 7448 standard for conducting this test. The parameter calculated in the test was the CTOD at maximum load (CTODm), which is a measure of the material's fracture toughness. Some CTOD test specimens were additionally coated with Pd to facilitate hydrogen entrance during autoclave exposure. Tests were conducted before and after exposure in an autoclave at 170 bar hydrogen pressure for 30 days, period estimated to be enough to reach equilibrium of the dissolved hydrogen concentration in the material. From the CTOD test at maximum load, the effect of different metallurgical conditions was evident: the base material exhibited approximately twice the fracture toughness compared to the deformed and water-quenched conditions. When comparing the results of tests without and with previous exposure, the distinction was not clear. There was no clear distinction between the unexposed and previously exposed materials. In the case of the deformed and exposed material with Pd coating, a small difference (lower fracture toughness) in the results compared to the uncoated material was observed. The validity of the result was discussed.
The objective of this study was to investigate hydrogen embrittlement of API 5L X65 steel using different experimental techniques. All specimens were obtained from the same seamless tube. The material was studied in various metallurgical conditions: as received from the plant, cold strained, and water-quenched (without tempering). Basic characterization of the material in the different metallurgical conditions was performed, including chemical analysis, metallographic examination, hardness testing, Charpy-V impact testing, and tensile testing. To study the hydrogen embrittlement effect, the material was analyzed using crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) tests at maximum load in air and after exposure to hydrogen gas in an autoclave. A procedure was developed based on the BS 7448 standard for conducting this test. The parameter calculated in the test was the CTOD at maximum load (CTODm), which is a measure of the material's fracture toughness. Some CTOD test specimens were additionally coated with Pd to facilitate hydrogen entrance during autoclave exposure. Tests were conducted before and after exposure in an autoclave at 170 bar hydrogen pressure for 30 days, period estimated to be enough to reach equilibrium of the dissolved hydrogen concentration in the material. From the CTOD test at maximum load, the effect of different metallurgical conditions was evident: the base material exhibited approximately twice the fracture toughness compared to the deformed and water-quenched conditions. When comparing the results of tests without and with previous exposure, the distinction was not clear. There was no clear distinction between the unexposed and previously exposed materials. In the case of the deformed and exposed material with Pd coating, a small difference (lower fracture toughness) in the results compared to the uncoated material was observed. The validity of the result was discussed.