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Ćtem Acceso Abierto ProcĆ©dĆ© de prĆ©paration de phosphore 32 Ć partir de soufre irradiĆ©(1965-09-24) Radicella, Renato; Goso, Rogelio Pedro; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Verfahren zur Extraktion von Uran aus einer verduennten, das Uran in Form des anionischen Komplexes [UO2(CO3)3]4- enthaltenden Loesung(1966-01-20) Pottier, Paul; Macchiaverna, Edmondo G.; Commissariat Energie Atomique; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Verfahren zur Herstellung von Aluminium-Uran-Legierungen(1966-03-10) Zappi, Daniel Alfredo; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Recovery of uranium from dilute carbonate solutions(1967-04-18) Pottier, Paul; Macchiaverna, Edmundo G.; Commissariat Energie Atomique; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Process for the isolation of phosphorus-32 from irradiated sulphur(1967-04-19) Radicells, Renato; Goso, Rogelio Pedro; CNEAPhosphorus-32 is isolated by contacting a solution of neutron-irradiated sulphur with quartz or a silicon-containing glass or ceramic, and recovering the phosphorus-32 retained by the solid material. A solution of irradiated sulphur in carbon disulphide may be passed through a column of powdered soda-lime glass, borosilicate glass, porcelain or quartz. The column is washed with solvent, treated with air to eliminate the solvent, and then with aqueous HCl or water (which may contain orthophosphate carrier) to elute the phosphorus-32 in the form of orthophosphate. Prior art processes are described in which (1) irradiated sulphur is distilled and the residue containing P-32 is treated with HC1; (2) irradiated sulphur is dissolved in hot toluene and the solution passed through an Al 2 O 3 column on which P-32 is retained and eluted with NaOH solution; (3) P-32 in a solution of irradiated MgSO 4 is oxidized to phosphate, ammonia is added, the precipitate dissolved in HC1, and the solution purified by precipitation of BaSO 4 and removal of cations by exchange resins.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Process for the production of an aluminum-uranium alloy(1968-04-09) Zappi, Daniel Alfredo; CNEAĆtem Solo Metadatos Proceso para la separaciĆ³n de componentes de mezclas multicomponentes, con especial referencia al sistema zinc-plomo(19730612) Varotto Conrado, F.; Audero, Miguel Ćngel; Vasallo, Daniel I.; Pascual, Roberto; Ruffo, HĆ©ctor J.; CNEA; CompaƱĆa MetalĆŗrgica Austral ArgentinaĆtem Acceso Abierto Verfahren zum Trennen zweier Komponenten(1974-10-24) Varotto Conrado, F.; Audero, Miguel Ćngel; Vasallo, Daniel I.; Pascual, Roberto; Ruffo, HĆ©ctor J.; CNEA; CompaƱĆa MetalĆŗrgica Austral ArgentinaĆtem Acceso Abierto Proceso para la separaciĆ³n de componentes de mezclas multicomponentes, con especial referencia al sistema zinc-plomo(1974-10-25) Varotto Conrado, F.; Audero, Miguel Ćngel; Vasallo, Daniel I.; Pascual, Roberto; Ruffo, HĆ©ctor J.; CNEA; CompaƱĆa MetalĆŗrgica Austral ArgentinaĆtem Acceso Abierto Dispositivo para enfoque de microscopio Ć³ptico(1974-10-31) Cabo, Amado; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Proceso para la separaciĆ³n de componentes de mezclas multicomponentes, con especial referencia al sistema zinc-plomo(1975-05-29) Varotto Conrado, F.; Audero, Miguel Ćngel; Vasallo, Daniel I.; Pascual, Roberto; Ruffo, HĆ©ctor J.; CNEA; CompaƱĆa MetalĆŗrgica Austral ArgentinaĆtem Acceso Abierto Process for the separation of components in multicomponent mixtures, for the case wherein the diagram of binary phases of the two major components presents a monotectic and their densities are different(1976-06-01) Varotto Conrado, F.; Audero, Miguel Ćngel; Vasallo, Daniel I.; Pascual, Roberto; Ruffo, HĆ©ctor J.; CNEA; CompaƱĆa MetalĆŗrgica Austral ArgentinaA process for the separation of components in multicomponent mixtures, for the case wherein the diagram of binary phases of the two major components presents a monotectic and their densities are different, consisting of successive coolings and heatings of the material to be purified between temperatures above and below the monotectic reaction temperature and/or the solid/liquid transformation temperature, having as a final result the separation of the components in the desired degree, up to the limits the system will allow for reasons intrinsic thereto.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Equipo para el trazado automĆ”tico de lazos de histĆ©resis en materiales magnĆ©ticos(1976-07-23) Fourcade, J.C.; Esparza, Daniel A.; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Aparato transportador para material radiactivo o contaminante(1976-10-22) Doval, Juan Carlos Federico; Pensotti, Antonio Carlos; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Aparato separador de fases lĆquidas(1976-10-29) Peluffo, Carlos Alberto; Beuter, Oscar; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Aparato para la dosificaciĆ³n de fluidos por termosifĆ³n(1976-12-20) Gauna, Alberto Carlos; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Un dispositivo para la mediciĆ³n fotoelĆ©ctrica de tiempos de coalescencia de emulsiones lĆquido-lĆquido(1977-04-29) Carcano, Roberto; Melia, Eduardo; Venturini, NĆ©stor; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Aparato transportador para lĆquidos radiactivos o contaminantes(1977-05-31) Doval, Juan Carlos Federico; Ferrando, Juan Carlos; Pensotti, Antonio Carlos; Vega, AnĆbal Rogelio; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Procedimiento para la eliminaciĆ³n de productos de fisiĆ³n de soluciones de uranio irradiado(1977-07-15) Dupetit, Gustavo A.; Flegenheimer, Juan G.; Kaufmann, Ferdy; Peluffo, Carlos Alberto; Maroto, Alberto Jorge Gerardo; CNEAĆtem Acceso Abierto Process for the separation of components in multicomponent mixtures, wherein the ram of binary phases of the two major components presents a nonotectic and their ities are different(1977-10-11) Varotto Conrado, F.; Audero, Miguel Ćngel; Vasallo, Daniel I.; Pascual, Roberto; Ruffo, HĆ©ctor J.; CNEA; CompaƱĆa MetalĆŗrgica Austral Argentina