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Ítem Acceso Abierto 116 In level scheme and p-n configurations(North Holland Publishing, 1972) Rabenstein, D.; Harrach, D.; Vonach, H.; Perazzo, R. P. J.; Dussel, G. G.The low-energy and high-energyT-ray spectra associated with the reaction 115 In (n, γ) 116 In have been measured with Ge(Li) detectors and a Ge(Li)-NaI(T1) pair spectrometer. A γ- γ coincidence study has been performed using a Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) coincidence system. Combining these measurements with the results of (d,p) and other (n,γ) studies, a level scheme for a X6In up to 1.4 MeV is proposed. In particular, seven states of the π (g9/2)-1, vh~) multiplet (3- to 9-) are unambiguously identified and the anomalous high isomeric cross-section ratio of the second isomeric state is explained. The binding energy B of the last neutron in zX6In has been determined to be 6784.2 4-1.2 keV. From the energy splitting of the fairly pure high-spin states of the (π (g9/2 ) vh π multiplet, the coupling constant of the quadrupole part of the residual proton-neutron interaction K2 is calculated in a spherical basis. The K2 obtained is about 5 times larger than the one normally used in calculations of quadrupole oscillations in doubly even nuclei. This discrepancy is discussed, and an explanation in terms of an isovector component of the quadrupole interaction is proposed.