Examinando por Autor "Masperi, Luis"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Ítem Acceso Abierto Phenomenological study of high energy exchanges based on multipheral ideas(Societa italiana di fisica, 1972) Ferro Fontan, C.; Masperi, Luis; Page, R.We observed that typical P´pole parametrizations in the intermediate energy range are globally dual to the combination of integrated elastic cross-sections with vacuum quantum numbers in the t channel. Since in simple multipheriperal models this elastic part is related to a cut, we abandon the usual interpretation of P´ as a pole and propose a cut parametrization for the second vacuum singularity, considering the Pomeron as the leading pole. This new pictures agrees with all acepted ideas, such as EXD, for energy less than -10 GeV. Moreover, it is quantitativaly satisfactory up to the highest energies.Ítem Acceso Abierto Resonance production and inclusive cross-sections in dual models(Societa italiana di fisica, 1973) Masperi, Luis; Rebbi, C.We compute numerically the oontribution to inclusive spectra of produced intermedíate resonances througli the discontinuity of one-loop dual amplitudes. We flnd tliese contributions to be smaller but not negligible as compared to those coming from tree graphs. Scaling may be reached for loop diagrams at higher energies than trees. The cut-ofí in transverse momentum is preserved even for rather heavy intermediate produced resonances. We argue that this fact is related with strong polarization eflects in tbe decay of resonances in the dual model.Ítem Acceso Abierto Semi-local duality and FESR problems for Venezian models(Societa italiana di fisica, 1973) de Atcherberg, M. C.; Della Selva, A.; Masperi, Luis; Page, R.In the present note we study the semi-looal duality propcrties as analysed by De Tab et al, including daughters contributions, of Veneziano amplitudes applied to total and one-particles inclusive cross-sections. As a consííquence we may clarify the origín of the above-rnentioncd discrepancies in the FESR.Ítem Acceso Abierto Structure of the p-singularity in a multicluster model(Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (Argentina), 1974) García, P.; Masperi, Luis; Parga, N. O.The purpose of this work is to show that a model based on cluster production is capable of fitting all the available high-energy experimental data within their error bars, in constrast to conventional canbinations of poles and cuts. This is possible because the imaginary part of the amplitude given by the cluster model can be thoughtof as that of an effective pole whose intercept oscillates around a mean value ~ .55, being compatible with .67 at Brookhaven-Serpukhov energy and decreasing below .50 beyond the ronge of the preliminary Batavia data. Eventually the model predicts an extremely slow increase, starting at formidably high energy, towards its mean value.Ítem Acceso Abierto Teoría de campos sobre una red.(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina). Instituto de Física "Dr. J. A. Balseiro, 1980) Deza, Roberto R.; Masperi, LuisEn este trabajo se muestra la utilidad de los métodos de la mecánica estadistica en la resolución de problemas de teoría cuantica de campos. Especial énfasis es puesto en la versión Hamiltoniana de las teorías de campo sobre la red, a las que se lelga mediante el formalismo de Matriz de Transferencia. Esta versión Hamiltoniana clarifica especialmente la estructura del vacío y las excitaciones de las diversas teorías de campos, permitiendo caracterizar sus fases, y sirve de marco para métodos derivados de la mecánica cuántica. La aplicación de estos m+etodos o teorías de interés es el objeto de esta tesis.